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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brutality Based Governments Fear Of Freedom of Opinion

The founder of WikiLeaks Julian Assange created a quake in world by disclosing numerous diplomatic cables that unveiled many dark faces,was born in 1971 in the north western coastal area of Townazol, Australia. He says," The goverments that are based on brutality and atrocities do fear of the freedom of opinion." His father was the owner of a theatrical company, his parents separated in 1979. His mother's second marriage with a musician ended in 1982. She had a son from her second marriage. She was afraid of her husband to snach her son , so she with her two sons kept onchanging places. Assange had no formal education. During 1987, when he was of 16 years, he got expertize in data transfer and net working with the help of PC and modem.
For the first time he was arrested by Australian Police due to having illegal access to the data of a Canadian telecom company and a university. Afterwards in 1992, he confessed 24 illegations of hacking and was fined 2100 Australian dollars.
During 1994, he shifted to Melbourn,and started working as software developer in a software house. He is the co-author of a book on hacking," Underground:Tales of hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier" During the wrting of book he joined Lynx sofware company. After soe time he was recognized as expert in computer coding language and he wrote several computer language programs.
Many military analysts say he is a capable and intelligent person, he did not disclose any secrets that can endanger the integrity of any country. When he disclosed the video clips about the USA army terrorism in Iraq during a press conference in England , he was much appreciated. Now a days, he is facing the charges of sex abuse in Swedish court.

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