Phool aur Kankar
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Pandemic Weapon (Coronavirus Epidemic) _Non biological Living organism or Lab Made Creature
Some experts have been speculating since the start of coronavirral disease tha it was developed in the laboratory. It has all the charac...
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Dr Tahir Shamsi's Brilliant Formula For Treating Corona (Video)
Prince Charles Has Tested Positive Foe Virus
Prince Charles, the 71-year-old heir to the British throne, has tested positive for coronavirus but is in good health and is now self i...
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Mracle In Khana Kaaba *Video)
Poor People In India Fear For Future As Modi Imposeses Virus Lockdown
Shaikh Bahaduresha, 31, lived on Mumbai's streets for two months last year, unable to make ends meet on his meagre taxi-driving pro...
Sunday, March 22, 2020
China Development In Corona Medicine (Video)
Scientists In Karachi May Have Identified Compounds That Inhibit Growth Of Virus In Host Cells
While scientists across the globe race to develop drugs and vaccines to combat the COVID-19 outbreak that has infected over 275,000 pe...
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