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Friday, July 29, 2016

MQM's Killer Came From Bangkok To Shoot Amjad Sabri (Video)

Banazir Bhutto's Scandal With Hayat Sherpao (Video)

55-Year-Old Tycoon Married 18-Year-Old Girlfriend

Valentine Ivanov, 55. a former, head of one of Russia's largest oil companies has reportedly married 18 year old model girl friend Elizaveta Adamenko.
The couple are understood to have been dating since Adamenko was 14. The age of sexual consent in Russia is 16.
Russian media reported that pair has married six weeks ago in a French castle on Cote D'Azur.
Pictures of the ceremony were posted on the social media but they have since been deleted.

Altaf Hussain Again Spoke Against Rangers (Video)

Altaf Hussain Speech Against Rangers by gogle101

MQM's chief Altaf Hussain has once again issued a controversial statement which apparently seems against rangers and Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP). In his latest but provocative statement, Altaf Hussain said when time comes he would hand over tools to his party workers, who will crack opponents' heads and drill into their bodies. Watch more about his statement in the video.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

A Man Arrested In Malawi Who Was Paid To Meet 100 Young Girls as Part Of Traditional Rituals

Malawi police have arrested a HIV- infected man who was paid to have sex with more than 100 adolescent girls as a part of traditional rituals marking their passage to womanhood. Eric Aniva was arrested after giving a media interview confessing to have slept with girls for a fee of between four to seven dollars paid by each of their family. The little known local practice lasts for three days and is performed in Southern Malawi by men known as "hyenas" at the request of a girl;s parents after her first menstruation. The ritual is believed to train girls to become good wives and to protect them from diseases or misfotune that could fall on their families or village. In the BBC interview Aniva confessed to being infected with HIV and sleeping with at least 100 girls without using protection. He said some girls are 12 or 13 years old but he preferred them older. All these girls find pleasure in having me as their hyena and are tell proudly to other people that this man is a real man and knows how to please a woman. The sexual cleansing ritual is also performed on bereaved widows. Aniva who had two wives and is reported to be in 40s said hyena is selected by community and custom did not allow him to use condoms.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Reasons Of Failure Of Coup Attempt In Turkey

Erdogan government successfully tackled a coup attempt planned and executed by the faction of Turkish army. people who have interest in problem solving and troubleshooting wanted to know more about the success of Erdogan and failure of opponents. The major reason of the coup failure was that public was on the back of Erdogan's government who made an iron wall in front of rebellions and this happens only when government facilitates the masses and it happened only in Turkey, because people liked Erdogan and his policies for the development of the country and the people. We CONGRATULATE our Turkish brothers for their bravery and courage and defeating opponents having nefarious designs. Other reasons for the failed coup were:- * Turkish economy caused growth of 64 % in real GDP between 2002 and 2012 and a 43% increase in GDP per capita. * Erdogan inherited a debt of $ 23.5 billion to IMF, which was reduced to $ 0.9 billion in 2012. He decided not to sign a new deal. Turkey's debt to IMF was declared to be completely paid and he announced that IMF could borrow from Turkey. In 2010, five-year credit defaults swaps for Turkey's sovereign debts were trading at a record low 1.17 %, below those of nine EU member countries and Russia. * In 2002 Turkish Central Bank had $ 26.5 billion in reserves, this amount reached to $92.2 billion in 2011. Under Erdogan's leadership inflation fell from 32 % to 9 % in 2004. * Under Erdogan's government, the number of airports increased from 26 to 50. * Between 2002 and 2011 another 13,500 km of expressways were built. * For the first time in Turkish history, high- speed railway lines were constructed and the country's high speed railways service began in 2009. In 8 years 1076 km of railways were built and 5449 km of railways were renewed. * Erdogan put greater investment in the healthcare system than any of his predecessor. As part of reforms provide "Green card" program that gives free health benefits to the poor. * Erdogan increased education spending from $ 7.5 billion lira in 2002 to $ 34 billion lira in 2011, the highest share of national budget given to one ministry, and the number of universities in Turkey doubled from 98 in 2002 to 186 in October 2012. * In 1996 1 $ was equal to 222 lira while in 2016 1 $ is of 2.94 Lira (even after recent Turmoil. If we rephrase all the situation in one sentence, we can say "Leadership Matters" . **-- LONG LIVE THE GREAT LEADER OF TURKEY TAYYAB EDOGAN AND OUR DEAR MUSLIM TURKISH BROTHERS. mAY ALMIGHTY ALLAHBLESS YOU.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Ghost Woman Following A Man In Taxi (Video)

Creepy CCTV footage showing a mysterious ghostly figure following a man in a taxi has sent shivers across the world. The spine-tingling clip is so astounding that it has gained hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube in the days since it was posted. The cerie video reveals a mysterious black shape trail behind a man as he moves toward the passenger door of a car in Japan. The spooky shape-shifting figure which strongly resembles a woman with black hair disappears when the txi door slams shut. Ghost passengers have regularly been reported by taxi drivers since 2011 tsunami. Drivers working in Ishinomaki, one of the areasworst affected by tsunami where 6,000 people died. Drivers say they had taken from the passenger who disappeared during the ride. They noted tgeir experiences in log books all remarked that ghosts seemed to be young.

Qaim Ali Shah To Be Substituted By Murad Ali Shah As Chief Minister Sindh

It is nowhere in the world is seen that governments are run by remote control while the leaders are sitting in London and Dubai and are deciding the fate of the people. As Nawaz Sharif issued orders from London for 45 days and Zardai issues orders from Dubai. Now PPP has decide to make significant changes in Sindh cabinet including bringing a new chief minister. The decision was taken when senior leadership of PPP met with senior Zardari and junior Zardari in Dubai. It was decided to nominate Murad Ali Shah as new chief minister of Sindh. According to sour Sharmeela Farooqi and interior minister Suhail Anwar Siyal will not make it to th new cabinet. Names of Nisar Khuro and Agha Siaj Durrani are considered for the slot of interior minister. Dr Sikandr Mandhro is expected to take the responsibilities of speaker Sindh Assembly.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

First Lady Michelle Obama Showed Her New Skills In TV Show (Video)

We have already a sneak peek of her singing skill- but First Lady michelle Obama showed off a whole lot more when she joined James Corden for Carpool Karaoke.

Amir Clean Bowled Alex Hales In 2nd Test Pak vs England(Video)

Friday, July 22, 2016

Love Locks Fence in Paris Deemed To Be Safety Risk and Will Be Removed

mark A landmark in Maine where thousands of people have pledged their everlasting love for another with padlocks has been deemed a public safety risk and will be removed. But a portion of it will be displayed in nearby parking lot. People attach padlocks to fence as symbol of love. The city owned fence is near Portland harbor and has been sagging under the weight of thousands of locks. It is said that a portion of chain link fence became loose from its frame two weeks ago. The replacement fence would not allow locks to be attached to it.

Girl Sneezes 8,000 times a Day (Video)

Desperate mother pleading for help for her nine year old daughter who has strted sneezing 8,000 times a day. The only time it stops is when she is asleep.

Dajjal-like Baby Born In Israel

We have heard or read stories that a Dajjal has either born or is about to take birth in neat future. There are many stories on Google and videos on You Tube that all the signs told by our Prophet Muhamma Mustafa Ahmad Mujtaba (PBUH) regarding emergence of Dajjal have been proved. For instance in A Saheeh Hadith in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) revealed what Tami Ad Dari told him about his journey to an island where he saw the Dajjal was chained. The Hadith has been narrated by Muslim in his saheeh (2942), so it is a saheeh hadeeth. It was also narrated by the scholars in their books, with their isnaads from Fatimah Bint Qays (May Allah be pleased with her). However, there has birth of a child who looks like Dajjal, the child has only one eye in the centre of forehead and apparently no nose.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

0.77 Million People Got NIC Verified By NADRA within First 20 days

0.19 million heads of the families have verified 0.77 million NIC verified up til now, while 0.13 people checked their family tree and by now 13 thousand non-family members have been identified. Whereas, 36 thousand objections have been received in NADRA office.

Imran Khan Married For The Third Time In London (Video)

Imran Khan marries for third time by aman57

His new bride belongs to Monika family of Pakpattan in Pakistan.

13 Mineral Water Brands Are Unfit For Human Consumption

The Pakistan Council of Research For Water Resources (PCRWR)has found 13 brands of bottled mineral water unsafe for drinking due to chemical contamination. According to awareness sttement issued by PCRWR, these brands include Aquwa Plus, New Nation, Osam, Well Care, Royal Oasis, Blue Plus, Livon, Al-Habib, Aqua National, Nation, Naimat, Siiz Cool, and Royal Blue. The water qulity is deteriorating due to biological contamination from human waste, chemical pollution from industries and agricultural inputs.

Difference Between Sunni And Shia Muslim Answer By Dr Zakir Naik (Video)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Plagiarism Controversy Torments Donald Trump

Donald's presidential compaign came under withering scrutiny after a nightmare started to the Republican convention capped by an embarrassing plagiarism controversy that tarnished his wife Melania's prime-time speech. with million watching on television, the Slovenia-born former model delivered an elequent and seemingly heartfelt defense of her husband. But there were unmistakably similarities between her remarks and a speech given by Michelle Obama at 2008 Democratic convention. While the controversy burned fr 12 hours and social media erupted with mocking commentary, Donald's compaign appeared paralyzed.

Qandeel Baloch Killed By Her Brother

Denounced social media sensation and self proclaimed model Qandeel Baloch has been strangled to death by her brother named Waseem that appears to be honor killing. The model seemed to be in trouble for the last few days. When a reporter of private Tv channel approached her on phone she was crying.

Friday, July 8, 2016

128 Kg Wife Slips off Stairs Falls On Husband Both Die

An elderly couple died in a freak accident when obese wife slipped from a staircase and fell over her husband. A 68 -year-old woman weighing 128 kg slipped when she hurriiedly took the stairs to check on her son who was suffering from breathing problems. The husband who was rushing behind her, suffered head injuries in the accident. Both were rushed to hospital in Rajkot, India where they died of cerebral haemorrhage. The couple's son lived on the first floor and they were always anxious about his health.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Footage And Videos Of Medina Munawwara Blast

Explosions rock Saudi Arabia's Qatif city by vidzdotcom

The death toll has risen to five in Madina blast as suicide bomber blew himself while tying to enter Masjid e Nabvi. Al Arabia News channel showed images of fire raging in pa parking lot with at least one body nearby. State linked news website said an explosion has gone off outside one of Islam's hollies places in the city of Medina, the same day that suicide bombers struck two different cities in Saudi Arabia. However natives have other stories to tell, as many natives have taken social media to report that it was not suicide blast outside Prophet's mosque but gas cylinder blast.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Careem Taxi Service Is Not Safe For Women In Pakistan

When the facility of taxi service through mobile app started in Pakistan, people were happy and thought they will get rid of traveling by wagons, suzukis or traditional yellow cabs. Women were specially happy to have the facility of a respectful travel. But no one knew that the most expensive taxi service will prove a dreadful experience for women due to the vulgar acts of bad character drivers of the cabs. according to the report of website Cambianews, the women hiring the services of app based car providing company of UAE face the problems as before. The drivers send SMS to the women passengers because they have their number due to calling the taxi through web app. It happend not to one but several of them were teased this way. On the complaint the administration showed no positive response.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Drake And Rihanna Have Rekindled Their Off And On Romance

Drake and Rihanna are back together. Although the rapper had recently brief fling with model Hailey Baldwin, he and Rihanna have rekindled their off and on romance. A source told Hailey was a fling but Drake has always wanted to make things work with Rihanna.
They a stll dating, things get more serious when thy at the same place. Drake 29 and Rihanna 28, were first linked in 2009 when he joined her on stage in Manchester concert, last week he claimed she was responsible for breaking his heart.
Drake said " Shout out to the most beautiful talented woman I have ever seen. She goes by the name Rihanna, I am getting heart broken" The pair have since been spotted together partying in London.
It was previously claimed that Drake has always been in love with Rihanna but the 'Work' hitmaker was hesitant to settle down. A source said he still loves her and never stopped, Rihanna wa the one who was not willing to settle down in the past. They are having fun spending time with each other.

Some Most Beautiful Women Of 2016 In The World

*Selena Gomez: The former Disney Starlet Selena Gomez holds the top po sition in the "World's Most Beautiful Women of 2016's" list. She has blossomed in to an extremely stunning woman. She used to be cute and innocent, now she is perfect combo of beautiful and sexy. *-Liza Suberano:-
Filipino- American actress and model comes in the list of most beautiful women of 2016 with the most beautiful faces in the world. She started in a range of television series and films. These include Vansapanataym, She is the one, Must be ..Love, Got to believe, Forevermore, Just the Way you are, and Everyday I love you. Currently she is working in the romantic comedy television series Dolce Amore. * Deepika Pedukone:-
The highest paid Bollywood actress, Deepika is among the most beautiful women of 2016. She has been considered a sez symbol and style icon in India. She ranks high on various listings of India's beautiful women. *- Pia Wurtzbach:-
The miss universe 2015, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach once professionally known as Pia Romero is among the most beautiful women of 2016 in the world. She is an actress, model and beauty queen who was crowned Miss Universe 2015 after becoming Miss Universe Phillippines 2015 at the Binibining Pilipinas 2015 pageant on March 15, 2015.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Islamic State Released The Photos Of Dhaka Attackers

Islamic State's fighter group has released the pictures of of five gunmen who carried out a deadly assault on a Dhaka restaurant on Friday night. At least 20 hostages including nine Italians, seven Japanese and one Indian teen were murdered by the gunmen at western-style Spanish restaurant in Dhaka's diplomatic region. Bangladesh army shot and killed all the five attackers after several hours of siege. Islamic State claimed the responsibility and released the pictures of attackers. According to witness attackers spared only those who could recite verses from Holy Quran during the carnage.
A US University says two Emory students Abinta Kabeer and Faraaz Hussain were among those take hostages and killed by the attackers. Abinta, who was from Miami and a sophomore of Emory Oxford College and Faraaz from Dhaka was graduate from Oxford college and a student in the University's business school.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Angelina Jolie Is Divorcing Brad Pitt On Cheating

Hollywood s couple Angelina Jolie and Brad pitt are under the scrutiny of media outlets.
Recent reports suggest that Mr and Mrs Smith stars have finally decided to move on with their individual lives. The recent report further suggests that Jolie is tired of Pitt's Casanova behavior and wants to put an end to it by leaving him. Ever since Pitt has stated working with Marion Cottilard and and Lizy Caplan on World War II movie. Several rumours have also started to swirl that suggest that Pitt is having an affair with Cottilard.

Qandeel Baloch's Ex-Husband Reveals Secret About Her (Video)

Ex Husband reveals shocking secret about... by vidzdotcom

Infamous televengalist Qandeel Baloch's ex-husband Shahid Baloch has surfaced on media who claims to give her name Qandeel Baloch. A news reporter from Peshawar has found out the man, who is tailor by profession, claimed on TV that he married Fauzia Kanwal Azeem aka Qandeel Baloch in July 2003. He later divorced her, when he came to know that she has already tied a nikah with another man before him. Shahid also claimed that he contacted Qandeel on Facebook page three months back and she demanded Rs 300,000 from him duing last conversation.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Qandeel Baloch In Trouble After Her Video With Mufti Qavi (Video)

Mufti Qavi se milne ke baad meri raton ki neend... by thezed-lad